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Moerangi explains the whakapapa and background the six Māori values of E Tū Whānau.
E Tū Whānau - the kaupapa and how it delivers positive change to communities.
Moerangi Falaoa Rukaupai explains the taonga tuku iho she developed studying He Waka Hiringa
Māori values, tikanga and kawa, mean that refugees and migrants to Aotearoa New Zealand are whānau
Insights into kaupapa Māori: Whakapapa
Shaneece Brunning, E Tū Whānau rangatahi kahukura on her vision for young people and their whānau.
understand the process, open up the possibilities | TWESZN1E01
Paradox study exploring if there is more to Māori than whakapapa | Te Ao Tapatahi
The Tradition of Whakapapa
Maori values Mike Pohio subtitles
Audience responses to Chocolate Bliss Balls Theatre Collective's 2020 production of Sass.
Whakapapa of Ngaruroro explained